This young woman is sweet at the first sight you met her. But things are getting compact and stricter as she ranked up herself and became a moderator and one of the BMC staffs. Listen here kids, if you need help you have to behave good and pleasant but if she knows you are a bad ones she will keep some screenshots of your data like what you wrote on the signs, your private message, your buildings and everything you have to become great proofs. She is a paranoid young woman. What a disaster to ha

This young woman is sweet at the first sight you met her. But things are getting compact and stricter as she ranked up herself and became a moderator and one of the BMC staffs. Listen here kids, if you need help you have to behave good and pleasant but if she knows you are a bad ones she will keep some screenshots of your data like what you wrote on the signs, your private message, your buildings and everything you have to become great proofs. She is a paranoid young woman. What a disaster to ha

This young woman is sweet at the first sight you met her. But things are getting compact and stricter as she ranked up herself and became a moderator and one of the BMC staffs. Listen here kids, if you need help you have to behave good and pleasant but if she knows you are a bad ones she will keep some screenshots of your data like what you wrote on the signs, your private message, your buildings and everything you have to become great proofs. She is a paranoid young woman. What a disaster to ha