Kagero is a ninja woman with the rarest skill. She’s the food taster for her clan’s master. As such, she has developed immunity to all kinds of poison. In fact, Kagero has assimilated so many toxins throughout the years that her own body is now poisonous itself. Poison is, as you may know, regarded as the weapon of choice of cowards; so she’s not very much respected in her clan. Of course, the fact that she’s a woman doesn’t help her much either. She’s a determined warrior however, always willi

Kagero is a ninja woman with the rarest skill. She’s the food taster for her clan’s master. As such, she has developed immunity to all kinds of poison. In fact, Kagero has assimilated so many toxins throughout the years that her own body is now poisonous itself. Poison is, as you may know, regarded as the weapon of choice of cowards; so she’s not very much respected in her clan. Of course, the fact that she’s a woman doesn’t help her much either. She’s a determined warrior however, always willi