/give @p minecraft:player_head[
properties: [{
name: "textures",
value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlL3VuZGVmaW5lZCJ9fX0="
i fixed the cottagecore skin bc i forgot to make some changes from the first one
i know i make a lot of alterations of my own skin but i like this hair more than the old one okay
2nd skin of making skins of the origins from the origins mod
I got the origins mod so I wanted to make skins for me and my friends based on our origins
a new skin
Another skin because im bored
A more pastel outfit
Idk? just another skin i guess
Idk i was bored
skin for my bros second account lol
random girl skin i made lol
This is the ponytail with the scars
My character actually has a ponytail, but I just didn't know how to do a ponytail in the past, but here she is!
New skin so I need to update all my old hairs -_-
My friend's Zombie apocalypse skin
NRBtwinkle's Zombie Apocalypse skin
Base skin to make it easier for me to make skins with blue highlights
its me with a santa hat so i can be festive!
I've been really into twilight lately...
A friend wanted me to make him a human skin so here it is
im finnaly a mermaid!
wow shes a plant goddess naturally:P
she a goddess now
me as goddess
haha much derp:P
derpy :P
derpy me
im done.
ugh i will NOT change it again after this.
summertime outfit
i fixed her skin of theicecreamdream in a casual dress
I fixed the skin of her in a dress
skin base for her skin
the ice cream dream's skin
her skin base but the skin with curly hair
me in a casual dress
her skin